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Platinum Membership
£282.30 per year


Applies to those who have completed 7 or more Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute courses.


Membership Benefits:


• One complimentary conference ticket worth £199

• Use of IAAFA logo for website and marketing material

• Company Discounts

• Access to the DrBKTI support group on facebook

• IAAFA faculty membership

• Free before & after book for marketing purposes*

*Ts & Cs apply.

Gold Membership
£297.67 per year


Applies to those who have completed 3-6 or more hands-on Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute courses.


Membership Benefits:


• One complimentary conference ticket worth £199

• Use of IAAFA logo for website and marketing material

• Company Discounts

• Access to the DrBKTI Support Groups on Facebook

Silver Membership
£451.40 per year


Applies to those who have completed 1-3 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute courses.


Membership Benefits:


• One complimentary conference ticket worth £199

• Use of IAAFA logo for website and marketing material

• Company Discounts

Bronze Membership
£605.13 per year


Applies to those who have not yet attended any training courses at the Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute.


Membership Benefits:


• One complimentary conference ticket worth £199

• Use of IAAFA logo for website and marketing material

• Company Discounts

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